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Dangers of programming satnavs

Around 450,000 drivers in Australia are using satnavs in their vehicles to find their way around. Others use GPS apps on their phones to find maps or to get directions. But not everyone knows the rules for using satnavs while driving – and just how dangerous their use can be.

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The cost of getting around in Sydney

The average household in Sydney pays more to get around by car and public transport than any others in Australia. They spend a whopping $22,238 per year and $848 more than last year commuting, which swallows 17.2% of their average income.

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At last save money

Flying cars – pigs might fly

Fans of The Man with the Golden Gun or Chitty Chitty Bang Bang remember the crazy appeal of a flying car. But the author Ian Fleming was not the only one with a wild dream. Uber, Google and the Airbus Group are already working hard to make that dream come true.

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Car debts are up, up, up

If you recently borrowed money to buy a brand new car, you’re in good company. In four years to May 2016, financing for new vehicles doubled. Car loans now make up 60% of all loans, in fact, Australians are bingeing on car buying.

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People buy used cars without checking

Are you considering buying a used car? A car purchase is usually one of the biggest you make but it is surprising how few people check the vehicle fully before they buy it. In fact, the most common nasty surprise Australians get is someone owes money on the vehicle – and unfortunately that’s now you.

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driving skills speed

High on hydrogen

The car industry, like many other industries, is going through rapid and exciting technological change. With self-driving cars, fuel cells, electric charging stations or “mobility as a service”, the nature of driving is going to change. One of the latest innovations is using hydrogen for fuel.

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New ways to buy cars

Buying a vehicle is probably the second biggest purchase we make in life but it’s not always a positive experience. After all, there is a lot of pressure to make the right choice. Now there are new ways to buy new cars which could streamline the experience. One is buying new vehicles in shopping centres, just like other consumer products, and another is buying via a car company website.

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Every driver has a driving footprint

Everyone has their unique way of talking, sitting or walking and driving is no exception. Each person has their own style. You may be inclined to break hard going round corners, or to pull quickly away from traffic lights. Now researchers have created a new way of measuring and identifying your driving footprint – and it’s surprisingly accurate.

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Why 40 could be the new 50

You’ve probably heard 60 is the new 70, or 20 is the new 30, but it usually means looking younger. Now speed limits are doing something similar. Researchers from Queensland University of Technology are suggesting a new, local street speed limit of 40kmh – all over Australia.

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Cars are more affordable than you think

If you want the cheapest price in the world for a Volkswagen Golf 1.4, then book a plane ticket to India. You will pay the affordable price of $15,195. Of course, it does depend on your wages and cost of living. According to an Auto Express (UK) report, Australia is the third cheapest of 11 countries to buy an average car.

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