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Allianz Green Slip Comparison

Details and information on buying Allianz green slips

Site  Allianz
Phone 13 1000
Phone hours

8am to 9pm, weekdays

8am to 5pm, weekends

In person Major motor dealers, brokers and agents
Quote / buy online Yes
At-Fault Driver Cover Not available since 1 September 2021

A more detailed comparison of Allianz and the Allianz green slip is on the Compare page.

Find more about other CTP green slip insurers: AAMI, GIO, NRMA Insurance, QBE and Youi.

Insurers - more info


Contact details to help you purchase GIO greenslips. read more

NRMA Insurance >

Contact details to help you purchase NRMA Insurance greenslips. read more


Contact details to help you purchase a QBE greenslip. read more

Youi >

Contact details to help you purchase Youi greenslips. read more

Insurer details >

Contact details for each of the CTP insurers in NSW. read more

Insurer claims performance >

What to expect from insurers if you make a NSW CTP claim read more

Market share >

Market shares for the six CTP insurers in NSW. read more

Comprehensive insurance >

The difference between CTP and comprehensive insurance. read more


Contact details to help you purchase AAMI green slips. read more