Greenslip FAQs
What is CTP insurance and what does it cover?
CTP insurance stands for Compulsory Third Party insurance. It is compulsory to buy CTP insurance before you can register a vehicle in NSW. CTP covers people who are injured or who die in a road accident involving your vehicle. It does not cover damage to vehicles or property.
What is a CTP green slip and what does it cover?
A green slip is another name in NSW for Compulsory Third Party (CTP) insurance. It is a legal requirement for vehicle owners to buy a green slip before they can register their vehicle. A green slip covers them for the injuries or deaths of people in a road accident involving their vehicle. It does not cover damage to vehicles or property.
Learn more about green slips at
Why do I need a CTP green slip?
CTP greenslips are mandatory in NSW because even very good and experienced drivers are sometimes involved in road accidents.
CTP insurance provides protection from the burden of paying for somebody else’s injuries, especially if they are serious and lifelong. Many people do not have the financial resources to pay the considerable legal and health costs of treating somebody’s serious injuries from a road accident.
How do I get a green slip?
The best way to get a green slip is to compare prices before you buy. Use the Calculator to compare the cheapest prices from all six NSW insurers. It lists their prices from the cheapest to the most expensive. You may consider price only, or have other reasons to prefer one insurer over another. Next buy your green slip directly from that insurer. They will quickly inform Service NSW you have paid, so you can register your vehicle.
Are all CTP green slips the same?
Yes, all CTP green slips are the same, regardless of insurer.
All insurers must provide the statutory cover required by the legislation.
Only one insurer, NRMA Insurance, provides an additional feature on top of its green slip. This is generally known as At-Fault Driver Cover. It is worth considering for the at-fault driver injured in an accident because it provides more benefits for longer than the NSW CTP scheme.
Find out the injuries for which a benefit is payable, amounts, notable exclusions and other analysis of At-Fault Driver Cover.
Can I cancel my greenslip?
Yes, you can cancel your greenslip.
To cancel your greenslip you must first cancel vehicle registration through Service NSW. If you show your greenslip insurer proof of cancellation from Service NSW, you are entitled to a refund of the unexpired portion of your greenslip.
You may get a pro rata refund of the Fund Levy.
Your CTP greenslip insurer may charge an administration fee for the cancellation.
What happens to the greenslip when I sell my vehicle?
When you sell your vehicle, your NSW CTP greenslip goes with it. The greenslip stays with the vehicle and is transferred to the new owner.
If you buy a vehicle which is already registered, make sure the registration is transferred to you. You do not need to buy a new greenslip for that vehicle until the current registration expires.
When you buy or sell a vehicle, Service NSW is notified of the transfer of ownership. Service NSW then notifies the greenslip insurer of that transfer of ownership.
What is the Fund Levy?
The Fund Levy is part of the full cost of a greenslip.
When you buy a greenslip you participate in two schemes:
- The Third Party Insurance scheme
- The Lifetime Care and Support scheme.
The Lifetime Care and Support scheme is funded through the Fund Levy.
The Fund Levy also pays ambulance and hospital costs for all motor vehicle accidents. It is shown as a separate item with your greenslip payment.
State Insurance Regulatory Authority (SIRA) publishes the Fund Levy as an amount under the 2017 Act.
Compare green slip prices, including the Fund Levy, with the Calculator.
Who is the MAA?
MAA was the Motor Accidents Authority of NSW. The MAA was established by NSW Parliament under the Motor Accidents Act 1988 in March 1989. The MAA operated under the Motor Accidents Compensation Act 1999 and administered the Green Slip scheme. Learn more about the Motor Accident Authority on
State Insurance Regulatory Authority (SIRA) took over the functions of the MAA in 2015.
SIRA is on Level 6, 2-24 Rawson Place, Sydney.
Contact SIRA on 1300 137 131.
Am I covered if I drive outside NSW?
Yes, you are covered outside NSW. Even though your motor vehicle is registered in NSW, your CTP greenslip insurance provides you with cover anywhere in Australia.
How do I buy a greenslip?
The fastest way to buy a green slip is to first get a quote from Calculator. After you have accurately entered your details, you can compare quotes from each of the six insurers. We provide details so you can contact any insurer directly and make a payment.
If you are renewing a green slip, your insurer will send you a renewal notice. You can decide whether to continue with that insurer or get the cheapest quotes from all six insurers.
Can I buy a greenslip for 6 months?
Yes, you can buy a green slip for 6 months for cars, light trucks up to 4.5 tonnes, motorbikes or trailers. You can buy a green slip for 6 months as long as you register for 6 months.
However, both registration and green slip must be for 12 months if:
- This is your first registration.
- You are transferring registration from interstate.
- Your registration has lapsed for 21 days.
How long does a green slip last?
A green slip lasts as long as your registration period.
- If you registered for 12 months, your green slip lasts for 12 months.
- If you registered for 6 months, your green slip lasts for 6 months.
Both registration and your green slip start and expire at the same time.
Can I get a refund on my greenslip?
Yes, you can get a refund on your green slip, provided you have cancelled registration of the vehicle and Service NSW has confirmed this in a letter. The insurer needs this letter to refund the unused portion of the green slip. The insurer may also deduct an administration fee.
How do I find out if I have demerit points?
The fastest way to check your demerit points is to go into your Service NSW account and ‘Check online’. If your account is new, you need to enter your NSW drivers licence or vehicle registration details. If not, you can review your demerit points record. Check your demerit points here.
How do I make a claim on my green slip?
If you have just had a road accident, take these three steps before making a green slip claim:
- Find out the registration number and insurer of the at-fault vehicle .
- Get medical treatment and request a certificate of fitness for work.
- Within 28 days, call the Police Assistance Line on 13 14 14 to report the accident and get a police event number.
Once you have these details, you can use online CTP Connect to start your claim. You may prefer to contact CTP Assist on 1300 656 919 to talk about what to do next. Read our Claims Guide. Note, we do not give advice about green slip claims.
How do I get a green slip for rideshare?
Getting a green slip for rideshare is slightly different as you pay a fixed amount and a variable amount. The fixed amount is the same as you would pay for a regular passenger car. However, the variable amount is based on how far you travel with a paying passenger.
It costs an extra 10 cents per kilometre in a metro area or 6.6 cents per kilometre if the journey began in a country area. Your green slip insurer will ask for your odometer readings.
Other motor insurers also need to know when you use a vehicle for rideshare. In fact, some do not offer comprehensive or third party property insurance for private cars with paying passengers. Always check with your motor insurer before buying a policy.
Can I transfer a green slip to my other car?
You cannot transfer a green slip to another car. The green slip stays with the registered car because it cannot be registered without a green slip. If you buy or sell a registered car, the price includes registration so the green slip transfers to the car’s new owner. When it is time to re-register that car, the new greenslip will reflect the new owner’s details.
Prices FAQs
How much does a green slip cost?
How much a green slip costs varies widely, depending on details of the owner and their vehicle. The average in July 2024 was $573 for all regions and vehicle types. To find out how much a green slip costs you, use the Calculator. It provides prices from all six CTP insurers in NSW, from the cheapest to the most expensive.
What is the easiest way to compare green slip prices?
The easiest way to compare prices for each of the six insurers offering CTP green slip insurance in NSW is to use the Calculator price comparison service.
- The price comparison service gives you a price for each insurer based on your vehicle and details.
- It gives you contact details for each insurer.
- You then directly contact the insurer of your choice to buy your CTP greenslip.
- You can buy your greenslip by phone or online.
- The CTP insurer will then notify Service NSW online.
State Insurance Regulatory Authority operates Green Slip Price Check for common vehicle classes.
If your vehicle is not covered by the price comparison service, you need to contact each insurer to compare prices.
Find contact details for each of the six insurers on
Why do prices vary between insurers?
Prices vary because each insurer determines its own greenslip prices. Insurers use different factors and apply different weightings to those factors to determine the premiums they charge.
State Insurance Regulatory Authority regulates greenslip prices.
More information on setting greenslip prices is on
Why are your prices different from the insurer?
Prices should always match, whether you get them from the Calculator or the insurer. It is illegal to quote any price that is different from the regulated price. If prices appear not to match, it is always because different information has been used in each case. You can ask us whenever there appears to be a discrepancy.
Why has the price of my green slip gone up so much?
The most likely reason for the price rise is because your circumstances have changed. Your green slip price may go up if you have, for example, bought a different car, moved to the city, incurred demerit points, had an at-fault accident or gone into a different age bracket. It’s also possible that your current insurer has generally raised its prices.
As always, use the Calculator to make sure you are still getting the best price.
What factors affect the price of my greenslip?
Insurers consider many factors to determine the prices they charge for a greenslip. The insurers also apply different weightings to those factors.
The primary factors are geographic (rating) region, type of vehicle, age of vehicle, vehicle performance, driver age, driving history and claims history.
Find out about setting CTP greenslip prices in NSW on
Do some places offer cheaper greenslips than others?
No, some places do not offer cheaper green slips than others. Some insurers offer cheaper greenslips than other insurers. However, the greenslip price for each insurer should be the same for that insurer, regardless of where or how you purchase it.
Always make sure the greenslip price is based correctly on your vehicle and details. Provided you do this, the price for each insurer does not vary based on where or how you purchase that insurer’s greenslip.
Why are green slip prices different if I want to claim for GST?
State Insurance Regulatory Authority allows insurers to charge higher prices for green slips if you claim for GST because:
- Insurers do not receive an input tax credit for GST when they pay claims.
- There are administrative costs to the insurers to implement the GST.
This means CTP green slip prices are higher if you want to claim an input tax credit for GST.
Can I get a cheaper greenslip through an agent or broker?
No, you cannot get a cheaper greenslip through an agent or broker.The legal requirement is that the price for an insurer’s CTP greenslip must be the same regardless of where or how you purchase the CTP greenslip.
Provided the CTP greenslip price is based correctly on your vehicle and details, the price should be the same whether you buy the CTP greenslip directly from an insurer or through an agent or broker.
Can I get discounts on other insurance products?
Yes, you can get discounts on other insurance products. Two of the six greenslip insurers offer discounts on other products if you also hold your greenslip with those insurers.
Find information on discounts offered by these insurers on
How often can insurers change their prices?
Insurers must submit their green slip price changes at least once a year to the State Insurance Regulatory Authority. They are also allowed to submit price changes at other times.
Why aren't all green slip prices exactly the same?
While all insurers have to keep within a price range, they charge different premiums depending on the risk level of their customers. Each insurer has a slightly different portfolio of drivers they insure, for example, taxis or different geographic regions.
NRMA Insurance premiums include At-Fault Driver Cover as an added benefit on top of its green slip coverage.
How do changes in personal circumstances, eg, moving to a different suburb or state, affect your existing greenslip?
Changes in personal circumstances are important when it comes to a green slip. This is because the price of a green slip is based on the circumstances of the driver as well as the vehicle.
When you move to a different suburb, you need to tell Service NSW to update your address for your vehicle registration and drivers licence. Service NSW passes on the new address to your green slip insurer. If you move interstate, you need to transfer your registration and drivers licence to that state or territory. This is because each state and territory has a different system for registration and CTP insurance.
Always tell your greenslip insurer if details of the youngest driver change. For example, you now have a young Learner or the Learner has progressed to P plates and is driving alone.
Are there any discounts or loyalty benefits for long-term policyholders with the same greenslip insurer?
One insurer, NRMA Insurance, offers further discounts on green slips for long-term loyalty. Each year of continuous relationship with NRMA reduces the price of its green slip. No other insurer appears to consider long-term loyalty in its greenslip prices. Note, insurers cannot further discount the green slip price submitted to the regulator.
Two of the six greenslip insurers – NRMA Insurance and GIO, offer discounts on other insurance policies if you also hold your green slip with them.
Find information on discounts offered by these insurers on
Is there a discount for multiple vehicles?
A discount for multiple vehicles may be available when buying comprehensive motor insurance. However, an individual who owns more than one vehicle cannot get discounts on their green slips. Green slips are already discounted for any positive factors, such as a safe driving history with no demerit points or a fairly new vehicle with safety features.
For fleet owners, there are discounts available on multiple green slips. See fleet greenslips.
Can you buy a green slip with AfterPay or BPAY?
No, you cannot buy a green slip using AfterPay or BPAY. This is because AfterPay works in instalments and BPAY does not provide real time payment. An insurer requires full payment before you can be covered by its green slip. Without a fully paid green slip, you also cannot register your vehicle.
Why don’t you show prices from Shannons or Kogan?
There are only six insurers in NSW who are licensed to sell green slips. These are AAMI, Allianz, GIO, NRMA Insurance, QBE and Youi. Even if you buy a green slip through Shannons or Kogan, they are selling green slips from one of these six insurers. For example, Shannons sells GIO green slips and Kogan sells QBE green slips.
Why compare green slip prices?
It is worth comparing greenslip prices before renewing registration. Prices vary and the cheapest insurer last year may not be the cheapest insurer this year. Insurers charge different prices depending on customer risk levels.
Insurers use their own weightings to different risk factors to determine the premiums they will charge. Only one insurer now includes At-Fault Driver Cover as an added benefit with its greenslips.
What is the greenslip price for pensioners?
The green slip price is not increased or reduced because you are a pensioner. It can be confusing because registration of one vehicle is free for pensioners and Service NSW can automatically renew their registration. However, drawing a pension is not one of the factors insurers use to set green slip prices.
Always compare prices using the Calculator.
Insurers FAQs
Which companies offer greenslips?
Six insurance companies offer greenslips in NSW.
They are AAMI, Allianz, GIO, NRMA Insurance, QBE and Youi.
Find contact details for the six insurers on
Who sets the premiums?
Insurance companies set the premiums. However, they must first lodge their proposed prices with State Insurance Regulatory Authority for approval.
Find more information on setting greenslip premiums on
Who provides the CTP Green Slip?
Insurance companies provide CTP green slips. There are six insurance companies selling CTP green slips in NSW.
They must be licensed and comply with the requirements of Motor Accidents Injuries Act 2017 and Motor Accidents Compensation Act 1999. They are regulated by State Insurance Regulatory Authority.
Do all insurers offer At-Fault Driver Cover?
No, only one of the six CTP Green Slip insurers now offers At-Fault Driver Cover. NRMA Insurance offers At-Fault Driver Cover on top of its green slip. It is called Driver Protection Cover.
AAMI, Allianz, GIO, QBE and Youi do not offer any kind of At-Fault Driver Cover.
What is the easiest way to contact the Insurers?
The easiest way to contact the insurers is by phone or online.
All insurers provide a phone service for quotes and greenslip payment. Call centre opening hours vary.
All insurers provide quotes and greenslip payment online.
Find contact and access details for each insurer on
Will all insurers notify Service NSW online and how long does it take?
Yes, all insurers notify Service NSW online when you buy your green slip. If you buy your green slip from an insurer, you should allow about one hour for Service NSW to be notified.
If you buy your greenslip from an agent or broker, ask them how long it will take to notify Service NSW.
As notification is sent online to Service NSW, in most cases you do not need a hard copy of the green slip to register your vehicle. You may need a hard copy of a blue slip, if relevant.
Can I change insurers?
Yes, you can change insurers. When your current insurer sends a renewal notice, you are under no obligation to renew with them.
Use the Calculator to compare prices from all six insurers before renewing.
Will my insurer always be the cheapest for me?
No, your insurer will not always be the cheapest. Each year is different, depending on the changing circumstances of the driver, the vehicle, and the business environment for the insurer.
Always use the Calculator to compare prices before renewing.
How do I complain about my insurer?
Contact State Insurance Regulatory Authority if you wish to complain about your CTP green slip price or how an insurer provides green slip quotes or sells green slips.
Make any complaints by speaking to your insurer and, if necessary, by contacting CTPAssist on 1300 656 919.
Complaints about the way an insurer is handling a claim are different. They begin with an insurer internal review and, if unresolved, go to the Personal Injury Commission.
How do I find out who my green slip insurer is?
Service NSW provides a quick way of finding out the name of your green slip insurer. It is called Registration Check. All you need is the number plate of the vehicle. It will give you the name of the insurer, when registration and greenslip expire, and other details of the vehicle. However, it does not reveal the name and address of the owner.
In some cases, you may have the insurer code but not the name. We provide a list of insurer codes.
Coverage FAQs
Why do I need CTP if I have comprehensive insurance?
You need them both because CTP insurance covers people and comprehensive insurance covers property. CTP insurance is mandatory because it covers people who are injured or die in a road accident involving your vehicle. However, comprehensive insurance for vehicles and property is your choice. There is no motor insurance in Australia that covers people and property.
Who and what is covered?
Your greenslip covers:
- Compensation for people killed or injured in a road accident
- Pedestrians, passengers, cyclists, motorcyclists and drivers of other vehicles and, to a lesser extent, the driver at fault
- Trailers under the greenslip of the towing vehicle.
Find more detailed information about who and what is covered by your CTP greenslip.
Who and what is NOT covered?
Your greenslip does not cover:
- The at-fault driver to the full extent of the scheme, except for statutory benefits for up to 12 months, unless the driver is catastrophically injured*
- Damage to your vehicle or property
- Damage to other people’s vehicles or property
- Theft of your vehicle.
* As defined by the Lifetime Care and Support Scheme, then that scheme applies.
Find more detail about who and what is not covered by your CTP Greenslip on
Where does my premium go?
Your premium goes towards compensation payments. State Insurance Regulatory Authority (SIRA) itself is funded by a levy on premiums. SIRA uses this levy to oversee CTP insurers and to support road safety campaigns, research and education projects.
What does ‘at-fault’ mean?
‘At-fault’ means you were 100% at fault or your contribution to the road accident was over 61%. The insurer makes this decision if you claim for more serious injuries.
What is At-Fault Driver Cover?
At-Fault Driver Cover is an extra benefit on top of a green slip.
The driver at fault in an accident is not covered to the full extent of the green slip scheme, except for fixed benefits for up to 12 months, or unless catastrophically injured.
NRMA Insurance provides an additional benefit on top of its CTP green slips. It pays further compensation for specific injuries sustained by the at-fault driver in a road accident.
Will I be covered if I answer a question wrongly and injure someone in an accident?
Yes, the insurer is obliged by law to honour the validity of your policy. You will be asked to pay the difference between the lower amount and what you should have paid. The insurer is also entitled to claim up to $5,000 if you deliberately made a false statement.
Who is SIRA?
SIRA is State Insurance Regulatory Authority. Its role is to supervise the six insurers in the CTP scheme and to approve green slip prices. It ensures they provide CTP insurance fairly, effectively, and within the legislation and guidelines.
SIRA also provides claims advice and a complaints service at CTPAssist on 1300 656 919.
Do all green slips provide exactly the same cover?
Yes, all green slips provide exactly the same cover for people who are injured or killed in a motor accident involving the insured vehicle.
The only difference is At-Fault Driver Cover. This is an added benefit provided by NRMA Insurance for the driver of the insured vehicle if the accident was their fault. The insurer has a Schedule of Benefits for Driver Protection Cover.
Registration FAQs
I’ve moved to NSW – what do I do about registration and CTP?
If you have moved to NSW, you have to transfer registration of your vehicle to NSW within 3 months. For the first registration, you must buy CTP insurance, known as a green slip, for 12 months. Use the Calculator to compare prices from every insurer. You also need a full inspection of your vehicle, known as a blue slip.
When you have all required documents, go in person to Service NSW to register your car and apply number plates. You can then cancel your interstate registration.
Can I register my vehicle for less than 12 months?
Yes, you can register cars, motorbikes and light trucks for 6 or 12 months. Registration can be renewed on heavy trucks for 3 or 12 months.
When buying your greenslip, the period of the greenslip must match the period for which you intend to register your vehicle. This means you must buy your greenslip for 6 or 12 months.
- If you want to renew your registration for less than 12 months you can do it online only at Service NSW or by phoning 1300 360 782.
- If you go to Service NSW or motor registry to renew your registration you can do it for only 12 months.
If this is your first registration, you are transferring registration or your registration has lapsed for 21 days, then both registration and green slip must be for 12 months.
What is a Safety Check?
A Safety Check is a vehicle safety inspection report. Safety Checks were previously called Pink Slips or eSafety Checks.
A Safety Check is an annual requirement to renew your vehicle registration, if your vehicle is 5 years or older.
Where do I get a Safety Check?
Safety Checks are available from Authorised Inspection Scheme stations. Once completed, inspection stations issue the Safety Check online to Service NSW.
Look for the nearest inspection station online.
How often do I need a Safety Check?
How often you need a Safety Check depends on the age of your vehicle.
Most new vehicles do not need a Safety Check for the first 5 years. Vehicles older than 5 years require one every year.
The registration renewal notice issued by Service NSW will tell you if a Safety Check is required before you can renew registration on your vehicle.
What happens if I am transferring my vehicle from interstate?
Registration requirements are different when you transfer a vehicle from interstate but you still need a CTP green slip before you can register.
Find out detailed requirements to register a vehicle being transferred from interstate on
How do I transfer registration into my own name?
After buying a vehicle, you have to transfer it into your name within 14 days of possessing the vehicle or pay a late surcharge.
To transfer registration, you need an Application for Transfer form and other documents, including proof of identity and address. There are fees for transfer of registration and stamp duty.
What is the quickest way to renew registration?
The quickest way to renew registration is:
- Buy a green slip.
- Get a safety check (pink slip) if required.
- Pay for registration online, by phone, in person, or by post.
An eligible pensioner concession cardholder may have their registration automatically renewed.
How can I get discounts?
Green slip insurers are not allowed to offer discounts on green slips and must charge the prices they submit to the regulator.
Some insurers offer discounts on their other insurance products, if you already have a green slip with them.
Pensioners cannot get discounts on green slips but eligible pensioners can get free registration in NSW.
Ask us anything about green slips
If you didn’t find the answer to your question, please send it to us and we will answer it as soon as we can.