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Insurer Claims Performance

What to expect from insurers when making a claim

The greenslips.com.au Calculator helps vehicle owners find the cheapest price from all six NSW CTP insurers. These are AAMI, Allianz, GIO, NRMA Insurance, QBE and Youi.

State Insurance Regulatory Authority (SIRA) provides quarterly data on insurer performance to help people make more informed comparisons and know what to expect if they make a CTP claim. Since March 2023, SIRA reports in less detail and without showing the previous year:

1. What are the chances of having my claim accepted? ›

2. How long will I wait for income support and treatment and care? ›

3. How soon will I be working after my accident? ›

4. What happens if I disagree with the insurer? ›

5. How many complaints and active claims do insurers have? ›

1. What are the chances of having my claim accepted?

The new scheme since 1 December 2017 made benefits available to all injured parties in the first 6 months after a car accident. Since 1 April 2023, benefits can be extended to 12 months after the accident. Benefits include payments for loss of income, medical and rehabilitation costs.

Most insurers accept around 98% of claims and, if they deny any claims, must explain why. Common reasons are late claims (over 90 days), no injury present or not under the legislation.

Table 1: Percentage of claims insurers accepted

  March 2024
AAMI 98.5%
Allianz 95.8%
GIO 98.4%
NRMA Insurance 97.9%
QBE 97.8%
Youi 99.3%
Average 98.0%

2. How long will I wait for income support and treatment and care?

How quickly insurers pay benefits is important for helping injured people make a full recovery after an accident. That is why insurers also pay pre-claim support before someone lodges a formal claim. At March 2024, it took an average of 4.3 weeks to receive first income support and 95.4% received treatment and care within 4 weeks.

Table 2a: Time in weeks to receive first income support

  March 2024  
AAMI 4.6  
Allianz 3.4  
GIO 4.6  
NRMA Insurance 3.7  
QBE 4.7  
Youi 4.9  
Average 4.3  

Table 2b: Percentage who received treatment and care within 4 weeks

  March 2024
AAMI 94.9%
Allianz 96.9%
GIO 94.4%
NRMA Insurance 95.2%
QBE 95.0%
Youi 95.7%
Average 95.0%

3. How soon will I be working after my accident?

The percentage of people who are working at 26 weeks after the date of the accident varies widely among insurers. NRMA Insurance is currently not reported because of inconsistent data; we have not shown an insurer average.

Table 3: Percentage of people working at 26 weeks after date of accident.

  March 2024  
AAMI 68.0%  
Allianz 75.8%  
GIO 70.4%  
NRMA Insurance Not reported  
QBE 69.9%  
Youi 76.1%  

4. What happens if I disagree with the insurer?

When customers disagree with the insurer’s decision, they can request an internal review by the insurer. Types of decisions include threshold injury, treatment and care, weekly payments, or who was at fault in the accident. Insurers carry out 97.8% of internal reviews within 28 days on average.

Table 4: Percentage of internal reviews within 28 days

  March 2024
AAMI 99.8%
Allianz 98.7%
GIO 99.7%
NRMA Insurance 97.6%
QBE 93.8%
Youi 97.2%
Average 97.8%

5. How many complaints and active claims do insurers have?

Since 1 March 2021, injured people can complain about insurers to the Independent Review Office. SIRA continues to manage complaints about all other aspects of the scheme. Complaints volumes do not include those directed to insurers.The percentage of active claims with each insurer is a new metric.

Table 5: Market share of complaints and active claims

  Complaints Active Claims
  Year end 31 March 2024
Year end 31 March 2024
AAMI 9.8% 9.6%
Allianz 15.4% 21.1%
GIO 16.5% 14.3%
NRMA Insurance 36.2% 29.6%
QBE 21.0% 23.4%
Youi 1.1% 2.0%

Sources: State Insurance Regulatory Authority (SIRA) CTP Insurer Claims Experience and Customer Feedback Comparison, March 2024. Note, SIRA stated in March 2023 that it no longer publishes many of the metrics provided in previous years.

Insurers - more info

Market share >

Market shares for the six CTP insurers in NSW. read more

Comprehensive insurance >

The difference between CTP and comprehensive insurance. read more


Contact details to help you purchase AAMI green slips. read more

Allianz >

Contact details to help you purchase Allianz greenslips. read more


Contact details to help you purchase GIO greenslips. read more

NRMA Insurance >

Contact details to help you purchase NRMA Insurance greenslips. read more


Contact details to help you purchase a QBE greenslip. read more

Youi >

Contact details to help you purchase Youi greenslips. read more

Insurer details >

Contact details for each of the CTP insurers in NSW. read more