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New Road Numbering System

RMS (formerly the RTA) is introducing a new road numbering system and new names for some important routes.  The changes will commence in early 2013 and should be fully implemented by the end of that year.

The changes are simple in that they apply a letter and number code to Motorways (M), roads of national significance (A) and roads of state significance (B).  The numbers identify the different motorways or roads within each category.

The changes will make navigation on major routes much simpler.  For example, if want to drive to Broken Hill from Sydney, you will simply follow the A32 the whole way.  If you want to drive from Sydney to Walgett you join the B55 and follow it through to Walgett.

The changes are consistent with systems in most other states so that the same code will apply as roads cross into those states.

Name changes will apply to some major roads, however the changes are not significant and should not have a major impact.

More information is available on the RMS website.


Rego Labels Abolished

The NSW State Government has announced that registration labels for light vehicles will be abolished from 1 January 2013.

From that date registration labels will no longer be required for cars, motorbikes and trucks with a GVM up to 4.5 tonnes.

Registration labels are not a reliable indication that a vehicle is validly registered and in any case police check vehicle registration regardless of the label.

The RMS has introduced a facility for checking vehicle registration.  If you go to the free registration check page of the RMS website and enter a vehicle registation number, you will receive information on the registration status and on the current greenslip insurer for that vehicle.

Greenslip Scam Warning

The MAA has issued a warning about a greenslip scam.

The scam was uncovered after reports from two insurers and involves more than 1,000 ctp greenslip policies. It seems to be centered around the south western suburbs of Sydney.

Under the scam, purchasers are paying cash at inflated prices for greenslips obtained fraudulently. Victims loose their money and do not have a valid greenslip for their vehicle.

When purchasing a greenslip, it is critical to ensure you purchase the greenslip directly from one of the seven licensed insurers or from a reputable broker or agent. The price of the greenslip should be based on your vehicle and your details. If in doubt, contact the insurer to confirm the price and to confirm that the broker or agent is entitled to act for them. Contact details for the insurers are set out on this website.

QBE – No At-Fault Driver Cover

QBE is no longer offering At-Fault Driver Cover on NSW greenslip policies commencing on or after 1 April 2012.

At-Fault Driver Cover is an additional feature offered now by four of the seven NSW greenslip insurers.

Through At-Fault Driver Cover, insurers offer to pay additional benefits to at fault drivers injured in a motor vehicle accident.  The injuries for which a benefit is payable and the benefits vary from insurer to insurer.

A full explanation of At-Fault Driver Cover and an insurer by insurer analysis of the benefits are available on this website.

New Learner Driver Course

The State Government announced this week that it will introduce a new course for learner drivers.

The course, which is still to be developed, will be aimed at giving learner drivers skills to become safer drivers.

A board of independent road safety experts and advisory panel will be appointed to make recommendations on the structure of the course.

Learner drivers who complete a safer driving course will have their log book requirements reduced from the current 120 hours to 100 hours.

Learner drivers will be able to combine the safer driving course with the three for one driving lessons concession to reduce their log book requirement to 80 hours.