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Our Contributors

Stephen Treacey

CEO and Founder, greenslips.com.au

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Again just like last year I would like to thank you for the info you give with the best greenslips and cheapest.

Stephen Treacey is the CEO and Founder of greenslips.com.au.

In the 1990s, there was very little green slip information available online. Stephen was one of the first to recognise the benefits of the internet as a way to present CTP greenslip pricing and information. Stephen researched the NSW CTP scheme with the aim of developing the ultimate authoritative tool for everything to do with green slips.

The domain greenslips.com.au was registered by Stephen in February 1999 and the first website went live in 2001.

More than 20 years on, and greenslips.com.au is regarded as the innovator and authority in the space. Stephen is passionate about research, accuracy and detail, factors evident in the quality of information on greenslips.com.au.

Stephen is also passionate about technology. He embraces the latest technical trends to make a visit to greenslips.com.au the best experience it can be.

His latest innovation is healthslips.com.au, a health insurance information and price comparison service. The same principles behind greenslips.com.au underpin healthslips.com.au. It compares every health insurer and policy, there is no commercial bias, the cheapest price is guaranteed and access is free and open.

Stephen is supported in his role by a team of experts covering legal and technical advice on the scheme, development, writing, research, search engine optimisation, online marketing, branding, user experience and design.

Stephen holds a Bachelor of Commerce in Accounting, Finance and Systems from the University of New South Wales. 


Read More by Stephen

Corrina Baird

Writer and Researcher, greenslips.com.au

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Hi Corrina, thanks heaps for your help, I have changed it to a light goods vehicle as you suggested and my van make and models options were available to choose.

Corrina joined greenslips.com.au in December 2015 and is now an expert in the NSW CTP insurance scheme. To her role, she brought over 25 years of experience in writing and research from a technical and financial services background.

Corrina built her skills as a writer and researcher in stockbroking, legal publishing, marketing information, banking, and her own technical writing business. Her qualifications are a degree-equivalent in journalism and business, securities industry certificate and an editing diploma.

While her first love is language, her second is understanding what the numbers mean, and both of these are vital for greenslips.com.au. Corrina reads information from many sources, including news, government releases, the latest regulations and guidelines from SIRA about the CTP scheme. She is tenacious, looks for the points that matter and distils them for easy reading.

Corrina has applied this same rigour and discipline of language and data to her editing of all content on healthslips.com.au.

Having worked to deadlines all her life, greenslips.com.au and heathslips.com.au customers can count on Corrina for a swift response.

She has owned a car in NSW for decades and has firsthand experience of buying green slips, lending the car to her two children, and discovering the joys of Ls, Ps, dents and demerit points. 


Read More by Corrina

About Us - more info

Trusted for 20 years >

What has happened in over 20 years of helping you find the cheapest green slips. read more

About healthslips.com.au >

Health insurance information and price comparison service by greenslips.com.au read more

How we make money >

Our information is factual without bias or influence of commercial arrangements. read more

Our experience >

greenslips.com.au is the authority helping people compare green slips for over 20 years. read more